
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wild Waves.

Our yearly visit to Wild Waves...10 hours of fun. Body thrashing, muscle aching, head spinning fun!

They actually won something...hahaha love the crossed fingers.

Still can not get Lily on this ride...the rest of the minions rode it a dozen times.

Grandma and Xander loved this one.

These two need to slow it down...they have gone all tween on us.

Jericho never slowed up for a second...passed out in the car on the way home before we hit the freeway LOL.

The look of a kid who is tall enough for everything...except to drive bumper cars by himself. Next year little dude.

Water side...the day was really nice. Overcast and threatened sprinkles all day, but it kept the lines short, and no sunburns.

Back to the rides.

By the end of the day I was so beat...they had to squeeze in a half dozen "just 1 last ride"'s.
Always a great time with this crew!

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