
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Growing up.

Check up time! These kids are turning into tweens on us. Big ones at that. The trio are just about 11 1/2...
-Xander weighed in at 83 lbs (53rd percentile) he is just shy of 5 feet, 4' 11.5" (79th percentile). He is on track to hit 6ft.
-Hayden is 109 lbs (86th percentile) and is 5' 3 1/4" (97th percentile). She is on track for 5' 9", though she hopes a little more for basketball.
-Lily Bug is 90 lbs (60th percentile) and is 5' 1 1/2" (90th percentile) on track for 5' 7".

 -Jericho will be 9 next month, he is 59 lbs (30th percentile) and is 4' 5" (61st percentile) tracking for 5' 10" but something tells me he is going to hit 6ft too. We shall see.

First time we did a girls room and a boys room, for their appointments. They all still wanted to watch each other get their shots though LOL. Not sure if it was for support or vicious pleasure...possibly both Hehehe.

We skipped the HPV shot, for now...too much controversy around it for my liking. So the trio got two, Tdap and Meningitis...Lily also got a flu shot, so lucky her got 3 pokes today. Jericho didn't need any, lucky ducky.
Hayden encouraging meditating through the pain. There were no tears from anyone today!

Lily had a hard time watching Xan get his shots LOL.

Bug finally decided she wanted to get her ears pierced a few days ago. I guess today was as good a day as any to get a couple more pokes. She was a rock star!

Ending a very busy day without cooking...yeah buddy!

I love their PiƱa colada.

She loves her new earrings, just hates she has to wait 3 weeks to start wearing fun pairs LOL.

I'm off the hook. No more having to split the giant fajita meals with Jason...he has a new partner in crime.

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