
Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy boys.

Our bucks are happy boys. Breeding season has begun. We were busy moving girls and boys around today. A full list, pedigrees and pics of our pairings are up on the farm website.

Such a pretty day today!

We tried to get our goats to move to the same high quality horse hay we feed Scooter and Tucker. We were not successful. They almost wasted away to nothing (can't you tell LOL)...yelling at us every day about the abuse. We had no choice but to go get alfalfa. Spoiled brats.

Mr. Mars gets almost all my gold ladies this year. Fingers crossed for lots of moonspots and blue eyes!
Shopping fun...
You know which minion found this laugh out loud funny, right? Jericho...he has a very silly sense of humor LOL.

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