
Monday, December 2, 2019

Light bright.

A pretty day out today. They are getting fewer and fewer. Skeet about to get her winter fluff on. She is so cute all fluffy.

Bridget and her mini of my two keeper babies from this year.

Oreo, my other keeper kid. Can't wait to shave them up in the summer and see how they are growing.

My sweet girls. They are glad the snow is holding off. Wonder how much longer before we get the white stuff.

I'm always surrounded...very hard to get pics of the girls when they are in my lap LOL.

Bridget and Diva relaxing.

Hope to get some more blue eyed babies this year!

Spicoli...sorry dude, I think your work is done for the year already.

More decorating.

Just phone pics...but they are actually kinda cute.

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