
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Seaside tourney day 1.

Up bright and early. Pancakes and watching for Big Foot.

A good reminder...even though it is really hard sometimes.

The girls played great in game 1!

Long break between games, killed a little time in the KOA fun room.

Lost a tough game 2 yesterday. The refs were pretty hard on us the first half, and we had a big hole to try to dig out of by the 2nd. Hayden got into foul trouble very early. One ref actually told Hayden not to foul out, he said a ref on their previous game told him she was fun to watch and that was why he came and ref'd her game...after he had given her 2 of her 4 fouls LOL. They were on a huge roll the last 10 minutes of the game, we would have won if they had turned it on just a couple minutes earlier. The girls play twice tomorrow, but 2nd place is the best that they can do now. 

Such a rainy weekend at the coast. I’m totally blah, the dogs don’t mind.

Dinner, drinks, fire and annoying dogs.

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