
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Baby time!

She kept us waiting all night. Finally at 5:30 am triplets girls arrived!!! I’m sleeping in...all day.

I love babies. All three seem to be doing well. The gold girl with more white was the first born and she didn't have a good time. She presented tail first, I tried to go in and find legs to help ease her birth but couldn't find them. So I had to pull her butt first folded almost in half. I lost a baby last year to this very presentation (the cord ends up compressed or broken and the baby suffocates if they can't get out quick enough). For the first hour she couldn't use her front legs and I was worried. Thankfully she is doing better every minute. Today is day 9 of rain...totally making this whole QT thing worse. At LEAST another 10 days of more rain in the forecast. Awesome. We had maybe 5 min of sun to try and get some pics of the newbies. They have been dubbed Regina, Gretchen and will get the inspiration if you remember the plastics. Not the best pics, they are still unfolding and it was cloudy.

If kittens or baby goats aren’t your about a baby cockatiel? These were not planned eggs exactly, I specifically didn’t give the parents a nest box but found a cardboard one to give them real quick when she laid eggs on the cage floor. There are 3 other eggs but not sure if they will hatch or not. 

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