
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Batter up!

The boys had practice today. Jericho had to get a little monkey energy out before we left.
Hayden got to be part of her first softball scrimmage tonight. They played a tough team of older girls, lost 14 to 5, but they played hard. Hayden being a brand new fresh newbie to the sport was given as much on the spot coaching as possible. She has a lot to learn. She did manage to get a hit her first time up to bat, though got out at 1st. She got walked to 1st her second and final time at bat, and ended up getting home eventually too. Her teammates are incredibly supportive and thankfully have a lot of patience while she plays a little catch up. She had a blast tonight. I almost froze to death...but it was worth it.

Hayden getting a little warm up in. Her braids, hat and sunglasses kill me.

First time up to bat...everyone was happily surprised she got a hit.

Right now she plays out field between 1st and 2nd mostly.

Second time up to bat...she ended up getting walked to first. Hayden did great not swinging at all the bad pitches. She is a pretty quick learner.

Hayden stole second...and was itching for more.

She stole 3rd...and was watching for an opening to make it home.

Hayden made it home!

The Covid scare is getting real. I'm all for being prepared, but dang let’s not get carried away. We all need to wash and clean things. If you are one of the jerks buying it all to mark up and resell, you really suck.

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