
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Calling it.

Xander's science experiment is complete. After a 1 week soak...and no scrubbing just rinsed with water, the winner is ketchup, runner up hot sauce. Tied for 3rd vinegar and coke...the thicker ketchup and salsa did a better job because it suspended the penny's more so all sides were exposed. The loser was lemon juice...even though it literally ate a penny, it did not clean them well at all, and it got rancid and smelly.

The penny eaten by the lemon juice...wild.

Lily's experiment went great too... lots of gross germs all around us.

Cast party today for Lily's play. Jason dropped Bug off and went to get some things done. Came back to pick her up and caught half the karaoke show. Lily sang a bunch of brave and ❤️❤️ too cute! 

We have been brushing up on our pandemic movies. Some of you need to as well. The Stand was great, you can watch the movie, not as good as the book...but for a crash course it'll do. Contagion is another movie you should check out. I saw it in the theater when it first came out...haven't seen it since, but I think it is due. Oh and never watch a germ pandemic movie in a crowded theater...extra ewww LOL. Carriers was pretty good for a "B" rated film.

Our local Winco today. We are ok, we have stuff that will last us a good bit. I just hope my sinking feeling that this is just the beginning is wrong. 

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