
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Kittens and farm chores.

It is supposed to rain all next week. Better enjoy the sun while we can. Jericho's bench makes a perfect kitten photo prop.

Pepe is so cute...sometimes.

These babies are so photogenic.

My fave this one!

Kitsune is still being rested from fetch...Pepe was having fun out there with the big kids.

Today’s farm chore...getting chicken wire up on the baby goat pens. We lost a baby to an eagle or hawk a few days ago, hopefully this will help. Jason had help from Jericho, Waffles and Baya...lucky him LOL. 

Baya sure loves this kid.

A couple kids are getting carried away with screen time, I won’t mention names...cough Xander cough Jericho. We have a detention box now LOL. 

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