
Thursday, April 23, 2020

A new friend for the cowgirl.

Study time for everyone today. I am not doing a great job of getting myself study time. When I signed up for this degree course I planned on many hours home alone to do my work. The quarantine sucks, in so many ways.

Since Hayden has out grown Scooter, he will be moving to a new home soon. Today a new friend for the farm arrived. Meet Sky, she is a paint percheron mix. For sure got the draft belly going, she is NOT pregnant LOL. We are going to see if Sky and Hayden are a good match. Hayden loves Scooter so much, they have such a good relationship...I hope she can find that with a new horse. One that is young and sturdy enough to carry her 115 lbs and deal with our winters. 

Two chunks and one old man.

On baby watch with Fergie...last momma to kid until June. I'm ready for a break.

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