
Saturday, April 4, 2020

So many babies.

The babies graduated to the big kid pen today! We brought the next three moms due down to the kidding unit. 

They will spend at least 2 weeks in here, before being released with the herd.

New there for like 2 hours and we have another set of triplet girls. Tiny tiny girls but they seem healthy. 

So bitty. They seem strong hopefully the grow fast. 
We never have babies this small, they are 1 1/2-2 lbs ea. 

Peaches is looking suspect. I don’t want another long night. Please girl, wait until morning. 

The 4th baby hatched, with a little help. Yes, this one has white fuzz because it will be a white face...the yellow fuzz babies should all be pastel face. They are so cute...and so far mom and dad are doing fantastic! 1 baby is spoken for, 3 are available message me if seriously interested. A little informative PSA post about cockatiels. Since these babies hatched a lot of people have contacted me for one. For those that haven't had them as pets before...birds are a lot of work, they are messy, loud and the $150-250 you pay for the bird itself will pale in comparison to all its "stuff". Yes, these smaller guys are not as hard as bigger parrots but they are still work. They need time out of their cage and human interaction DAILY...especially if they do not have a bird friend. YOU will be their only source of enrichment. They MUST have a fortified pellet diet, seeds are not a healthy diet. Fresh veggies every day is wonderful for them. They need a bare MINIMUM cage size of 24"L X 18"W X 24"T...the bigger the better, the smaller the cage the more out time they need. The cage should have at least two sides of horizontal bars...this makes it easy for hook bills like tiels to climb. Expect to spend $200-300 on the cage alone...unless you are lucky enough to come across a nice find on craigslist. Careful with the perches and toys, real wood without paint is best. No mirrors, no bells, no toxic paints/materials. Stay away from fabrics. Go with natural stuff that's can not potentially kill your bird. A big thing people don't know or think about is Teflon "non-stick" pans, air fresheners, scented candles can all kill your birds. Their respiratory tract is very sensitive, anything in the air is potentially deadly. I was a Scentsy lover before we got our birds. Join some cockatiel forums and FB groups to learn more. 

Crazy how a 5 day age difference, between the first and last hatched, is so visible.

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