
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Big Day.

So fun watching Tucker get worked. He is doing great. 

Sky's turn to work. Worked up a sweat bare backing it...then got a hose off.

The goats love the kids more than me. I think it is because the kids never give them shots or yucky meds LOL.

Trampoline in the shade on this 80+ degree day. Ahhh

My brave girl Hayden is flying solo for the first time this summer. Her bestie flew here solo last year to spend two weeks, this year it’s Hayden’s turn. I am so proud of how brave and self reliant my kiddos are. There is no way I could have done it...heck I can’t imagine flying alone now LOL. And they are all having a camp out tonight alone. Where did my babies go..

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