
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day.

Mother's Day bike ride and picnic. Grandma came with, first time the kids have been able to see her in 8 weeks. Next week is supposed be to pretty cruddy for weather, thankfully today was lovely. Hope all you moms felt loved and appreciated today

There were turtles, baby turtles and baby ducks everywhere.

This dog is going to be the death of me. Not the ending to my Mother's Day that I wanted. When we got home from our bike ride the kids had the dogs out playing. I wasn't there, but was told Lycan beat Kitsune to the stick, she went to bite him but he turned his head and she bit the stick. It jabbed her good, poured blood for almost 8 minutes...and I mean poured bright red blood. I almost panicked...but then the kids would have lost it. We finally got it stopped with a wad of paper towels and pressure. She is very sore and the THC tincture for pain is only helping a little. I think she is going to be OK, she was very lucky. We all know better than to play with the dogs with sticks...the kids got a stern reminder talk. PSA do not play with your dogs with sticks, it can be a deadly accident waiting to happen. 

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