
Monday, May 4, 2020

Sorry Pepe.

Someone is got the big snip snip today. Hayden was about to cry at drop off LOL. I didn't tell her I offered extra money if they accidentally OD him...kidding, sort of. He is really cute...all 5 1/2 lbs of him, but he is hella annoying. NEVER again will I have a "purse size" dog. Lucky for Pepe he is super people and kid friendly. He does have little dog syndrome with other dogs. His most annoying feature is needing to be constantly within touching distance of Hayden. The poor girl can't pee without him losing his damn mind in the other room LOL. 

It is getting hard to photo these guys. 2 can FLY now and would rather practice that sit still. 

Poor Pepe. Came home minus 4 toes, 3 retained baby teeth and 2 balls. But hey he got this cool cone LOL.

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