
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This dog.

Finally got Kitsune in to the vet. We had her at the ER yesterday, because our regular vet couldn't squeeze her in. She started having some throat swelling and running a temp. The ER got her started on antibiotics, anti inflammatory and a pain med...AND somehow got us squeezed in to see our regular vet today. Huge improvement with just 2 doses down, they decided not to scope her throat just yet. Thank goodness for vets that know working breeds. We are lucky that our vets not only treat local law enforcement K9s but a couple staff members actually have Dutchies. My dogs are approachable and even friendly in appropriate circumstances, but the breed in general is not one for strangers up in their bubble manhandling them....and with COVID owners aren’t allowed to go in with their pets so I couldn’t run interference. The staff love her, after some let’s become friends play time she let them look real good down her throat and do everything they needed to without protest. Very proud of my girl!! Still wish she would stop trying to kill herself LOL.

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