
Friday, June 5, 2020

Bye kids.

The last two babies, one left today the other leaves Tuesday. They are so pretty now.

A&P study time today....Fluid Therapy. Just how they saved Kitsune a couple years ago when she tried to kill herself with water. My yearly summer reminder...water toxicity is real and most dogs are not as lucky as Kitsune. Don’t let your dog chase waves (ocean or wake...even sprinklers or hose play can become dangerous) if they are biting the water chances are good they are drinking too much of the water. This can wipe out their electrolytes and cause their bodies to crash, seize and die. It cost us $1K and 24 hours in the ER to save our dog. We were extremely lucky that she showed signs that we picked up on right away and we got her right in to the ER. She would have died if we waited even an hour...she started seizing in the car on our way to the ER, by the time we arrived (1 hour drive) she was unresponsive. We played at the river for a few hours, had no idea as she happily ran up and down the bank chasing wake waves that she was ingesting so much water. As we were packing up to go home she started acting drunk, stumbling, drooling. I first though heat exhaustion even though we were in the shade and water ther whole time. Then she started having seizures. It was the scariest thing I have been through with her, and this dog lives to injure herself. We no longer take Kitsune to places with moving water, we limit any water play and watch her like a hawk.

Down time this evening.

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