
Sunday, July 12, 2020


12 years loving these little kids, not so little any more...they are all almost as tall as I am already. Staring the teen years right in the face now, my babies are so grown up. So proud to be their momma.

Normally I am crazy busy putting together a big party, themed, food, lots of guests. ONE thing I can appreciate about COVID, a totally low key no fuss party this year. Just family, some swimming and football fun at Grandmas, burgers and cake. Dig it.

Uncle Adam was tossing kids left and right into the pool.

Anti Adam protection.

It's about to go down.

Xander was collateral damage LOL.

We all played a little football for a good 2 hours.

The cheering section.

Cake time!

Happy Birthday you are so loved!!!

Jericho wanted to put on a show. His lovely assistant Rowan held the tube for his death defying jump. Right before he started running at it he yelled "Light it on fire!" LMAO!

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