
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Work it.

Hayden had basketball yesterday and again today. Hour and a half b-ball clinic yesterday. She was the baby of the group...the other girls were a good two years older, but she hung in there just fine. Some pretty fun handling drills. I am very worried there will be no school basketball this year, so she needs to keep her skills brushed up on her own.

Today she was tossed in the 12 to 18 year old group, I’ll give you one guess which kid was the only one under 14 LOL. She hung in pretty good...even if she feels like all the other kids were better than her. Really great handling drills and a little shooting too.

BB wars for the boys today. Xander is actually a pretty decent shot.

More room work today. It has been slow going lately. Nothing like manhandling 90 lb siding on an 80 degree day.

Makes it look's not.

Kitten snuggles.

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