
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Busy keeping hungry.

These girls love blackeberry bushes so much!

Keto train once again...I want 30 lbs off by Halloween, fingers crossed. Keep poor Jason in your thoughts, he has to live with me and hangry is not my best look.

Jason hit the addition hard today. Keeping busy, works for a little while as a distraction from a growling tummy.


  1. Just wondering where Jason learned all his construction skills? We've done a lot of reno/smaller scale DIY, but have a lot of learning to do before being able to a whole room. Jason makes it look so manageable. Does he, or you, have any recommendations for DIY books, websites etc where you can learn this stuff?


  2. Hi Akex, Jason has a pretty rounded grasp with a little experience in a lot of areas. He grew up doing lots of stuff like this, watching and learning hands on. He does watch a lot of YouTube if there is something he wants to be a little clearer on. His two fave guys are...

  3. Brilliant, thanks for that. I'll check them out :).
