
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Tansy...hate tansy.

Tansy day. Got 5 or 6 huge bags full, took about 3 hours. Pretty sure we had more last year, so that is a step in the right direction.

Cinnabar Moth in disguise...I only saw one of these tansy eating friends today.

Not much of our garden took off this year. Pretty much only the peas and collard greens. Oh well maybe next year.

Work is done...time to play.

Dinner tonight was so good I forgot to take a picture LOL. Keto taco casserole. I put mine on a bed of greens and kicked it up with some Frank’s. So good.

The kids got Baskin Robbins for all their help with the tansy. Jason and I got this. Not BR, but pretty good actually.

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