
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Study time

Almost 40 pages of notes to study for my A&P 1 proctor. This final is no notes/book, 1 hour timed and supervised. I’m scared LOL. m studying the rest of the week and weekend. I’ll take it Monday. Then I have to start A&P 2. Got to get that done by December. Really shouldn’t of taken 5 months off when the kids got kicked out of school for Covid, put myself into a time crunch.

Cranky Lily, eats after school snack, happier Lily LOL. I feel you Bug. Hanger is real. 


With all the smoke from the recent fires, pneumonia was a risk. One girl was acting off, I’ve been treating her for 8 days with antibiotics. Then about 3 days ago she went anemic on me. Been doing B and red cell for that every day, she got wormed with Quest. She is not out of the woods, but it was nice to see her plow a heaping pile of blackberry leaves I cut for her today. Of course the other girls got some too. Fingers crossed for Trixie.

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