
Friday, February 19, 2021

Nail trims.

First nail clip today. Shrimpy says if you are almost the same size as the clippers you get to skip your turn. I’m brave and pretty good at not clipping toes...but her little nails are hard to even see LOL. Daphne snoozing with her tongue out too.

Today after ENS time, the pups got their first Early Scent Introduction (ESI). We will pick many different scents over the next 10 days of ESI...just not food items. The pups are doing great with this daily process and thanks to my 4 sometimes 5 helpers it goes so quick. Todays scent...a stinky sock that Jericho kindly produced. Thankfully no puppies were killed LOL.

Jericho has caught the drawing bug from Hayden. He followed two step by step videos to do these. Pretty awesome!

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