
Monday, February 15, 2021


All doing well so far...everyone is latching, even “Shrimpy”. Took weights today...smallest girl “Shrimpy” .27 lbs (4.3 ounces), smallest boy .41 lbs. on the other end the biggest girl is .73 (Shrimpy’s twin) and largest boy is .63 lbs.

We are adding liver water, hoping to supplement Shrimpy and keep her going in the right direction. The first 24 hours she gets 4 drops every 2 hours around the clock, the next 24 hours it is every 4 hours around the clock. Then we will continue it during the day time but not in the night. The others are enjoying it too. 

She is teeny tiny, the size of a newborn kitten. I am honestly glad my sister was here for the birth process. The small blob Shrimpy was in was dark and looked like the placenta stuff that follows the puppy. My sister asked me if I needed to check it, it was seconds after her sister Daphne was born and I was busy getting Daphne cleaned off and going. I was just going to leave the blob/placenta for Baya...told my sister "No, it's just the placenta". Then my sister said "It's moving, I think it is a puppy". Shrimpy was even tinier brand new and wet and I didn't even think she was fully formed at first or breathing. It was SO fortunate my sister saw her. I know it is rare, but I really think they are twins and Daphne sucked up all the nutrients while they were cooking. All the others were 10 minutes or more between pups...none were born within seconds of each other like that.


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