
Friday, June 4, 2021

Another flew the coop.

Evie went to her new home in Maryland today...such a big trip for a little baby. 

She almost made it to the airport without throwing up all over my car...we had drool, lots of drool and at the very end things got gross LOL. She did not seem to appreciate my rendition of Don’t Stop Believing either LOL.

Got some new pics of the littlest fluffsters. They are so adorable, a couple more weeks and the older kittens leave.

Holly's babies are a little over a week younger, they are still figuring stuff out.

First car ride for Eleven, she wasn’t thrilled. Didn’t even get excited for her new Independence Day festive collar. More rides in store for her this weekend, poor Elle is a put an end to that ASAP.

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