
Friday, June 25, 2021

Last tournament of the season.

Albany here we come. Last softball tournament for the season. These girls have come so far this year. Fingers crossed for their first time at the State Championship games!

Such a silly clue why she insists on wearing hoodies ALL the time.

Double fisted…to keep hydrated LOL.
For luck...I hope.

That time you WIN 4-2 at STATE but end up “losing” thanks to a coin toss. Yet again the girls get screwed by the weather. Because it’s so hot the organization decided to have a “Drop Dead” point to shorten games trying to keep players on the field in the cooler mornings and evenings instead of playing all day. At the drop dead point we were tied, both teams continued to play. After we scored 2 more runs, and the Umps called the game, the other teams coach complained and a coin toss decided we didn’t win after all. Some very upset girls will take the field tomorrow and will hopefully be vindicated.


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