
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Serious camp, busy campers.

All checked into her dorm room for the week. She is loving every second, I don’t think she is going to want to leave come Saturday afternoon. Thankfully not a huge campus, they will eat in one building, practice and play in another and her dorm room is in another so she only has to navigate 3 buildings. Jason and I will be 20 min away at our hotel so I’m trying not to freak out leaving her here. Such a big kid. 

This is the whole group for this weeks camp. 5th-9th graders. They have coaches from colleges all over the country that come and coach the girls. There were 130 girls just in the 5th-7th grade age group….broken down into 15 teams. After scrimmaging to get placed into even teams Hayden got kicked up to play with the 8th grade girls. Hopefully she can hang, some talented girls here.
Hayden’s team of 8 girls….6 being 8th graders, 1 9th grader and Hayden who is going into 7th, won their first game tonight! Hayden held her own really well. She let us walk her to her dorm room after the game, it was already dark outside and I wasn’t ready to let her walk across campus alone LOL. She said she had it from there, buzzed herself in and off she went. She is way too grown up, she was 12 a week ago.
Went back to our hotel and tried to keep ourselves busy. Not big winners today, but it is always fun to try.

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