
Friday, August 13, 2021

Camping day 1.

Awesome first day camping...stayed busy, had tons of fun. I almost didn't notice I had zero reception most of the time, almost. Just behind our campsite is a volleyball court. I’m too old to move fast anymore LMAO! 

3 of the 4 kiddos are big volleyball fans, Hayden plans to tryout for the schools team this year. Like basketball and softball don't keep us hopping enough.

Eleven is being a good girl...most of the time.

Fun in the water on this hot day. Big kayak fans, I even took a couple spins. Elle loves riding. Not a big swimmer yet.

Little baby duck.

Bumper boats and trying to flip each other was the name of the game.

Hayden saved a couple of bee's out in the thanks they did not sting her.

Dock means jumping.

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