
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Exploring Caves.

 Bad mom alert LOL. What do YOU do to prep your kids for hiking in a cave? Family movie night the night before watching the Descent 1 & 2….no, just me. Ok. 
 Our first time checking out the Ape Caves. Took 3 hours for the 6 of us to hike the 1 1/2 miles in the cave and the 1 1/2 miles out of the cave. It was a lot of fun. It is crazy in ZERO light. Lots of fallen boulders that we had to climb over and a couple sections where it was a good 7-8 ft climb up where they have no ladder or rope or anything. Jason had to get a hand up from some randoms, then he helped pull the kids up while I pushed from below. Most of us were not wearing the best shoes, that really slowed us. I would love to go again with better shoes. 

Finished out the day playing with some friends on the water.

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