
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Fun at the mall.

Checking out our little mall, and killing time at the arcade before today’s movie. So different from the huge malls I went to as a kid. Sad so many are closing...malls seem to be a dying breed. 

Lily's mothership, Claire's LOL.

Window shopping in the mall today, Lily saw this little fairy house. Had to get it. It goes perfectly with this much loved tiny tea set she got as a gift.

The convo's that go on between my kids always crack me up. 
Today Lily purchased an old action figure…not a doll, she has corrected Xander 50 times. She opened it to play with it. This is what followed. 
 Xander: You know you just made that doll worthless (see above about correction #49). 
 Lily: It’s worth more to me when I can play with it. 
 Xander: That won’t pay your rent Lily. 
 Jericho: Xander, watching YouTube and eating bread won’t pay your rent either. 

Ready to get the pool in this hole. Hopefully tomorrow. Found a snakeskin, the kids thought it was super cool.

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