
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tired already.

This little bit of truth hit me today. As Hayden's volleyball team won all three sets today, and I look forward to a weekend of 5 softball games, a football game, a cheer commitment, a birthday party...and who knows what else will pop up. It's busy up in here. My weeks are insane. Hayden has volleyball practice 3 days a week. Games twice a week. Then she has softball practice 3-4 days a week and games most weekends. Basketball soon to start up taking the place of volleyball. Lily has cheer twice a week and games once a week. Plus drama and garden club once a week. Jericho has football practice 3-4 days a week and a game on the weekend. Xander is currently deciding on which sport he will be forced to play wants to participate in this year so he will be joining the schedule soon too. Everything from our house is at least a 30 minute roundtrip drive, and for the traveling games we usually have to get a hotel or take the RV and plan to be gone all weekend. It’s a lot. I hope they appreciate all this LOL. 
Willow surprised us with babies...found 4 under the house. They look about 4 weeks old already, sweet as if we have been handling them since day 1.

We are taking care of our friends pony, Sugar, this week. She is just the sweetest.

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