
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Brandy, you have come so far.

Brandy went through the auction today. I had consigned her 6 weeks ago to get a good spot in the line up. In the last 8 weeks this mare has come so far with the help of some dear and talented friends. I was actually getting cold feet about the auction. I put a real healthy reserve on her and sat there super torn as she entered the arena. I let one of the staff members who never met me or Brandy before ride her. Their job is to show off the horse and make it look good…even if the owner is having regrets. Brandy did AMAZING! This girl rode her really well…even stood on her then sat back down, back flipped off of her, waddled under her, then stood on her again and jumped off. Brandy acted like this was nothing new. She missed her reserve by a couple hundred dollars and I cried. I actually felt happy that she didn't sell, and quickly put her in the trailer and drove home. 

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