
Monday, October 18, 2021

Her FAVE sport.

First 7th grade basketball tryouts are tomorrow. Hayden’s first sport love has always been basketball. She hopes to get on two teams this year, her 7th grade school team and the tournament team as well. She is so excited, there was no basketball last year thanks to Covid, she has missed it so much. Brushing up a little today LOL. 

I love to get updates on our past puppies, really enjoy when everyone shares their great brags…even when it’s not so great, as a responsible breeder I want to know. I got a lovely update on Dyna. You will likely remember “Shrimpy” our tiny tiny 4 oz baby that I didn’t know if she was going to make it or not. We have never had a runt before, when Dyna’s owner asked to specifically be considered for any runts I was quick to tell her that was highly unlikely. I joke with her now that she jinxed us LOL. Shrimpy was born with her sister who was a huge puppy (11 oz at birth) and I suspect they may have been a rare case of twins. Any way Dyna is now 32 lbs and the apple of her owners eye. Her twin I hear is weighing in at 46 lbs these days. Shrimpy, what a big beautiful girl you have grown into.

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