
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Last games of the season.

Super busy day today...but everything went off perfectly, the weather even cooperated. Lily didn't want to join cheer, with some pushing gentle nudging from her mother she begrudgingly participated. Today I heard the words I wait for every time I have to nudge her to join something "Thanks mom, you were right I am glad I joined" ahhhh sweet sweet music to my ears. Lily's last cheer duties sports seem so short. She is going to miss it. Her coach had really cute bags made for the girls. 

More goodbyes. Today was also the last game for Jericho. Mr. 49 ended the season in style with his first sack. He had a great game, and is now a die hard fan. Jericho can't wait until next year.

Then we all got to go home and get ready for our friends Halloween party. Always a good time, we missed going the last two years thanks to Covid. Our spooky dish was a tasty salmon dip gross face.

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