
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

And the kitchen sink.

Hayden is so funny. She has a couple personal basketball goals. One is to beat her 8th grade friends high score record, and the other to get mentioned in the schools morning announcements for her game achievements. So far she hasn’t come close to beating the 8th graders high score, but she has been mentioned after every game. Some of the girls have been given funny nicknames in these announcements and by their coach/team. Hayden is now known as ‘HayHay Buckets Johnson’ LOL. 

Her first HHC tournament is this Saturday 11/27 at Coweeman middle school, they play at 5 pm and again at 6 pm nearby friends and family free to join us and cheer the girls on. Hayden doesn’t think her team has ever won this tourney, they play in it every year…so she is hoping to get the W this year. 
Hayden made this wood pen for me in shop. She got an A, she did a great job!
Added one more supplement to the girls daily snack. I hope you can’t over do the gut aid LOL, they are up to 3 now with this, Magnagard and Outlast. I hope this all helps Brandy with the tummy ache. She never showed any ulcer issues her two months at the ropers. I think Drill is faster paced and more stressful for her, if this doesn't help we are going to have to quit unfortunately.

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