
Saturday, November 27, 2021

First tournament down.

Tourney day for Hayden...that means a morning of watching one of her fave shows. 
Scouting the competition. The two teams we play today played each other first. Then there was an hour break before our girls took on the winner. I was scared watching them, both were very strong teams. Word has it the red team is in from Seattle and the white team from Centralia….neither local at all.
Tough games, the girls lost both. They gave the first team a good run for their money, but then were absolutely exhausted in the back to back second game against an equally tough team. Hayden had a cute cheering section though. Grandma, Great Grandpa, Great Aunt Julie and Great Uncle Ron...Julie brought the cute signs for everyone to wave. 

Hayden was so upset they lost, but she faked a quick smile for a pic with her fan section.
Lots more games to come girls, you will get em next time.

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