
Sunday, December 26, 2021


Brrr supposed to get down to 19 tonight. Yuck, hope this is short lived. The dogs and kids like it, I’m not a fan at all.

Hayden and Jericho are the only ones interested in sledding today.
Things have been going awesome since our trip, let me tell you. Nothing but ice on our road. We had to go to the store for dog food and firewood, doing 15 MPH and still ended up in the ditch, in a very very slow slide. Nothing damaged I don’t think. Just stuck.
Still stuck LOL. Hung out with my friend who came and rescued us while we try to figure out how we are pulling the car out ourselves. No tow trucks will come up our road today...possibly not for the rest of the week as this weather is expected to continue.

It was way more on its left side than the pics show, had to crawl out the drivers side.

Thankfully Jason was able to pull it out with the beast. OK I would like things to calm down now.


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