
Thursday, December 9, 2021

What a game!

It starts. Ugh woke up to this crap. Not a fan of the white stuff. At least the dogs like playing in it.


Didn't have to go get dirty trimming hooves or ultrasounding any animals today. So nice.
The girls kicked butt in their last 7th grade school team game. They won 56 to 30….ending their season 9 wins 1 loss. It was a great game, the first half ended with us down 21 to 22...the girls came back out in force for the second half. Hayden had 19 points today, including her first 3 pointer. She also had 10 rebounds, and 4 blocks. Way to go Cougars!

Her looonng 3 point shot.

An hour game wasn’t enough. Hayden spent 4 1/2 hours on the court today. She followed the game up with her tourney team practice, they scrimmaged a 6th grade boys tourney team for 30 mins. Then she joined the 8th grade girls tourney team in their practice. They had 6 college players come and help them today, it was a really fun practice. Hayden was beat and almost didn't make it through dinner before passing out LOL.

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