
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Can't win em all.

This was a crazy busy weekend. Hayden played 4 games with her 7th grade team, then played 4 games filling in on the 8th grade team. 

Saturday the 7th graders won a tough one by just a single point. We were not expecting the team we played to step up, we slaughtered them bad 3 weeks ago. This time they had 4 or 5 players that were not there 3 weeks ago. Our second game was tough, we got some shitty calls and two of our girls fouled out...including Hayden. We lossed by 3 points. 

The 8th grade team pulled out two wins on Saturday, Hayden managed to score a few times and be helpful on defense as well. She loves getting asked to help the older girls, I just always want her to be helpful and not a hinderance. So I am always glad when she scores and rebounds big for them. 

Sunday we expected tough games, and we were not wrong. The 7th grade team won both...even beating the WNBA coached team. Unfortunately it came down to a tie, we were 3 and 1 and the team that beat us by 3 points ended up 3 and 1 as well...even though we allowed less points against us and had a tie record they won first place. Our girls killed it this weekend, so they still feel pretty pumped. Some excellent ball for the 7th grade team. 

The 8th graders came away with second place this weekend as well, as they lost to a very tough team today. They ended up 3 and 1 as well. Hayden did her best to help out when needed. 8 games in two days, we are all beat. Hayden came away with a bloody toe and a slightly sprained ankle (thankfully not her usual ankle to be injured but the other one this time LOL). They get next weekend off to rest up for 3 tourney weekends in a row after that. Whew.

Hayden was start struck by the ex WNBA player, she got to fist bump and shake hands at the end of the game and was all excited LOL. We got them by 14 points in the end. So proud of how these girls played this weekend.  

In other awesome news....oh my gosh. I got an 80 on my medical math proctor, was NOT expecting that…math is just not my best subject. Passed the course with an A. Wow! Now just the Pharm proctor left to do before my 1st internship. 


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