
Friday, February 18, 2022


I’m absolutely heartbroken to share we lost Baya this morning. We do not know what happened. She was sick yesterday (Thursday) with blood tinged vomit and refused to eat. I got her into the ER that afternoon, getting in to see a vet is so hard right now...took 7 hours calling around to finally get one with an opening. Unfortunately, they had no luck finding the problem. We transferred her to a 24 hour hospital last night. This morning they called to inform us she was worsening and they still had no answers. Bloodwork, xrays, all fine. She started having grand maul seizures and after the 3rd one they recommended euthanizing her to prevent further suffering. I’m in shock and so very sad. She was the sweetest chillest Dutchie I have ever met and she was a very loved member of our family who will be missed more than I can say. I can’t believe she is gone. We were just chilling in our hotel in ID a few days ago. I am so messed up right now. I can’t stop crying. I just can’t believe she is gone. So hard to lose a great dog. And to have no answers just kills me. Giving my kids bad news like this and hugging them while they cry just breaks my heart all over again. And Eleven looks lost without her BFF. Hug your pups, tomorrow is not promised.


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