
Friday, April 29, 2022

Winner, winner!

A wet one for Jericho. It didn’t look good until a late comeback ended things in a tie. 

A celebratory pretzel for Madam President...Hayden is so excited to be student body President next year!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

For the fun.

Grandma and Great Grandpa came out to watch Lily’s first game. They didn’t win, and Lily is not nearly (or at all) as passionate about sports as Hayden…but she loves her team and is having a blast. Out to dinner after, great laughs and full tummies. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Vet tech funny

This guy came to work with me today, now he is missing a couple parts LOL. Not so much fun being the pet of a budding vet tech LOL.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Grand Slam...well almost.

Two more softball games for Hayden today. She is having a blast learning 1st base, and doing a pretty darn good job at it. She caught multiple people out, including a foul ball. She hit well too, one of the best was bases loaded, Hayden got 3 in and made it to 2nd...she could have made it home for an in the park grand slam if the girls on her team had started running right away but everyone is still learning. I’m beat and sunburned but loved watching her play...she is such a beast. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Miles to go.

So tired. 14 hours on the go today, between driving and games. 2 softball games and a basketball game, with a 4 hour drive between them. Hayden was in hog Heaven though. 

Holly's babies are so cute!

Friday, April 22, 2022


Hayden decided to run for student body president. I have been crazy busy and had no time to help her, she did this 100% on her own. She has softball and basketball tournaments this weekend. This kid makes me proud…and tired LOL. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Here Bunny.

Brandy went to a slow and steady trail home, I think she found her perfect fit. We will miss her. 
Xander’s team won again today, the sun even came out for opening ceremony!
Nothing like some last minute egg dying. When your kids are too old for this shit, but traditions and all LOL.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Getting ink done.

More progress on my tattoo. I am in love. my tattoo chick rocks, such amazing work! 

While I was getting stabbed with a needle over and over, the kids texted to tell me Holly had her kittens.
The weather can’t make up its mind. Today the sun came out while Xander and Jericho played ball. They both won their games. Xander got a nice RBI hit. We still have a foot of snow left at our house, but I sure enjoyed the sun today.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Another skill done.

The externship is going well. I am loving working at the clinic. Pepe was my patient today, had to place an oro-gastric tube. He was knocked out already for a dental.


Monday, April 11, 2022

This is BS.

WTF, seriously. Powers out, no school today. Fabulous. So over this. Been over it since fall. Got probably close to 2 feet, more in drifts. Looks like power went out around 4 am and they don’t expect to have it back on until midnight tonight. We have to warm goat bottles on the wood stove. Super fun times. After about 12 hours of no power Jason broke down and pulled out the generator so the kids could stop whining LOL. 

Hayden was invited to tryout for an AAU tournament basketball team an hour and a half north of us. The things we do for this child’s love of sports. She made the team, and tonight was her first practice. She had a blast, even if the 2 hour long almost nonstop practice kicked her butt.