
Monday, April 11, 2022

This is BS.

WTF, seriously. Powers out, no school today. Fabulous. So over this. Been over it since fall. Got probably close to 2 feet, more in drifts. Looks like power went out around 4 am and they don’t expect to have it back on until midnight tonight. We have to warm goat bottles on the wood stove. Super fun times. After about 12 hours of no power Jason broke down and pulled out the generator so the kids could stop whining LOL. 

Hayden was invited to tryout for an AAU tournament basketball team an hour and a half north of us. The things we do for this child’s love of sports. She made the team, and tonight was her first practice. She had a blast, even if the 2 hour long almost nonstop practice kicked her butt.

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