
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Looking up...maybe.

Hayden had an orthopedic consult today. Doctor is hopeful that Hayden will not need surgery. She said no sports for at least another 6 weeks, and another recheck in a month. Going over the original MRI the meniscus did suffer damage on both sides, one a bit more than the other. The Doctor feels both are not bad though. She also says the ACL shows a really minor sprain...and the overall knee shows slight strain. Nothing she feels will need surgery to repair. I am hesitant to call Hayden healed without another MRI to prove it...she plays too many sports, and gives them her all, to not be sure. They gave Hayden a different knee brace, this one has funky hinges. Fingers crossed. The weirdo liked the paper shorts and took them home LOL.

Xanders team suffered their second loss of the season tonight, by 1 run. Xander survived his first pickle, but in the end they fell. Hopefully these can brighten the mood. Hope they are as good as everyone says.


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