
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Ups and Downs

Hayden rocks. Told us about the best thing that happened during her school day today…. 
Hayden (yelling/singing in the hallway at school while walking to her next class) “Go to college” Hayden’s Science teacher (yelling/singing back across the busy hallway) “or university” 
Hayden “Get a real Job” 
Hayden’s Science teacher “That’s what they said to me” 
Hayden may have a new fave teacher LOL. My punk rock kid. 
The ups and downs of vet tech life. Being part of humane euthanasia is not something that I can do without tears yet. On the flip side, this sweet semi feral barn kitty came in for a spay, ended up giving birth to 4 babies just before going into surgery. Never a dull moment, 10 hour days fly by.

 Someone that wants to kill a bunch of kids is not a law follower in the first place. They will find a way sadly. We need to stop focusing on the tool and start focusing on how to protect people. Hint...the answer is not to disarm the law abiding public.


  1. The thing is, all countries have sick and violent people, but in those countries where guns are not available to anyone who walks in off the street, these sick people literally do not have any way of killing twenty or more people. With a knife or car they might kill one or two. It is only with guns that you can kill that many people in such a short time. So when you say they will find a way to slaughter twenty people even if gun ownership is restricted , that just isn’t true.

    1. Tools will be found and used, removing guns from law abiding citizens only weakens their ability to defend themselves or someone else.

      Bombs are illegal and kill large amounts of people.

      Also just with my limited search here are two cases of large groups being killed by knife attack. In China, which has strict gun regulations—in fact, it's one of a few countries in which firearms are illegal to own privately in most cases—knife attacks are not uncommon. The number of attacks per year is not clear but attacks are regularly reported in the media, showing that efforts to regulate the purchase of knives or punish the attackers have been unsuccessful in deterring the violence. One of the more notorious knife attacks in Asia occurred in 2014, when a group of eight men and women wielding long-bladed knives attacked patrons at a Kunming train station, injuring more than 140 people and resulting in 29 civilian deaths.

      Knife violence in Asia is not exclusive to China. In Japan's 2016 Sagamihara stabbings, a knife-wielding former employee killed 19 people and injured 26 more at a care home for the disabled. Later, in 2019, the Kawasaki stabbings resulted in the deaths of three people (including the stabber) and the injury of 18 more. Knife attacks in South Korea include the Nonhyeon-dong massacre, a 2008 event in which an attacker used a sashimi knife to kill six people and injure seven more.
