
Monday, June 6, 2022

Get your shave on.

Eleven hit up Home Depot today. She has been my longest car sick battle yet. What is worse, half the time she makes it until we hit our driveway coming home then pukes. She is just as anti social as her mother was at her age…doesn’t like strangers in our 12 foot bubble. I’m sure she will grow out of it just like Kitsune did. 
Lily’s choice for “anything but a backpack” day at school.
Whoohoo made it on the Dean’s List again for semester two. Let’s hope this tradition can continue for me in semester three and four as well.
One of the babies I’m keeping this year. Don’t ask how many goats I have, I have what I have LOL. This is LadyBug.

One of my keepers...but I may end up selling her if the right home comes along.

Not this lady.

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