
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Wow...big win.

I drug Jason, Hayden and Jericho with me to show a few babies. It’s a beautiful day in the Gorge today. Lots of lovely goats here. Going to be a long day, 3 shows in one afternoon. We left for the show at 5:30 am Saturday morning, got home 1:30 am Sunday morning. We placed well in show 1, really really well in show 2, scratched everyone in show 3 because we were hoping to head home. What a long day.  

Keeping themselves entertained while waiting to show goats. They attempted to make a fishing pole and catch some fish.

Some pics from the show. The kids did really well, and I just may be able to talk them into going again. In show 1 there were 32 intermediate doe kids in the class Hayden and Jericho took goats into. Hayden placed 5th (same doeling that won that class in show 2) Jericho was 9th I think…I should have kept track better, not too shabby though. There were 80 kids between all the different Nigerian junior classes...that is some competition. In show two Hayden's knee was hurting after show 1, so we found a nice kid to take Cher into the ring in Hayden's place. They ended up winning the class. Then he took her back in the ring against all the other class winners and to my surprise they won it again. This win gave Cher her dry be a Champion you need 3 legs or wins, only 1 can come from the junior classes.

Since it was midnight before we got done last night I didn’t get a win pic with the judge and her ribbon. Attempted to get one today. I’m still learning set up, I’m sure I don’t do her justice. 
 Woohoo Pleasant Dreams MT Cher…Junior Grand Champion, dry leg down!

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