
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve at Grandma's

Always fun heading to Grandma's for Christmas Eve. Due to the ice the last couple days the kiddos did not get to spend the last few nights at her house like they typically do. We were just thankful the ice let up and we were able to get there at all this year. 
Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Yes Hayden is on her tiptoes, she hates that her brother is taller than her now. Cannot believe how big they are, I am 5' 8" so not exactly short...they are catching up. Xander is now the tallest in our family of 6. He still has some growing to do to catch up to his Uncle Chris and a couple cousins though.
I got my last test of semester 3 done. Fingers crossed I passed and can move on to the final semester. I still hate and stress hard over the proctors.  Now time to get festive and relax...yes please on the wine.

Hayden made Grandma a charcuterie board, her first attempt at making one...she is a busy kid in shop class LOL.

Lily was in Hamilton heaven today.

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