
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Eyes and ears.

Eye check for me and Xan. Xander needs a mild correction. After begging and promising to be responsible he was given contacts and shown how to put them in and take them out. 

Surprisingly I’m not as blind as I feared. 20/20 on distance still, run of the mill readers are fine for near stuff. Doc said after 40 it’s normal for vision to start getting worse. Getting old keeps getting better LOL. 
Xander pointed out I’m still pretty enough to get free paper plates from the pizza joint. Apparently his Dad had to pay for his when he picked up pizza last, and I got them for free on my last trip. Used to be able to pull free drinks at the bar, but hey free paper plates is nice too LMAO. 

Big Holiday choir and band performance tonight. The kids sounded great!

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