
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Just trying to work.

I’m trying to get to work, Jason is trying to get Jericho’s uniform to him so he can play in his basketball games this morning (of course the one time we let him have a sleepover with games the next day.) 
A huge 40 foot Alder decided to fall across our driveway. Ugh g
reat time to have your chainsaw not start and your sawzall battery to not take a charge. Jason broke his tow strap 6 times trying to pull it out. He finally got a neighbor to help and we got out. 

While I was waiting I got an email with the trio's current grades. I am so proud of these three. All of them decided to take advanced science and Algebra instead of the regular 8th grade science and math classes. They have had some frustrations and moments of wondering if they bit off more than they could chew, but all three are rocking school this year!!

Work fun today. I really enjoy my job and I am learning so much.

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