
Saturday, April 1, 2023

That's a big dog.

Cinder is back from her winter vacation. Already rolled in mud. 

Eda is not so sure about Cinder. However my sweet pup that is disturbed by shopping carts deciding to charge out to the 1,000 pound horse worried me a bit. She got within 5 feet and just stayed there. Cinder was a good girl and peacefully held her ground allowing the closer inspection. Eda didn’t bark just observed. I held my breath until she returned to me for a treat. Little stinker.
Hayden painted this for a friends Bday gift.
Another bit of fan mail for Hayden. They must have her bday wrong…she is just going to be a Freshman next year. She still loves getting these letters. We bought her the book by Renee Lopez…hopefully she will be prepared for all this stuff in a couple years when it’s time to get serious.

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