
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Brusth those teeth.

Doing dentals at the clinic is so rewarding. Sometimes there is not much you can do but to remove the problems as no amount of cleaning will help. Check your dogs teeth. Bad breath, lots of calculi build up are signs that a cleaning may be needed. Little dogs especially should be checked yearly and have dentals done. Dental chews are somewhat helpful, dental wipes even better. This is a pile of teeth that pretty much fell out during a dental today on a FIVE year old dog…who was already missing other teeth. I had chipped all the calc off and cleaned them partially before they came out. Some came out during the chipping of the calc. 
Kitty was not impressed with us, and was insulted by her owners choice of cones LOL. Good news Lycans histo came back benign.
Hayden had fun trying out Track this year, doubt she will do it in high school as it’s at the same time as softball. Brought home some awards.

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